Kentucky Housing Corporation, Specialized Housing Resources Department - KY STATE PROGRAM

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Kentucky Housing Corporation, Specialized Housing Resources Department - KY STATE PROGRAM

1231 Louisville Road
Frankfort, KY - 40601

  • (502) 564-7630
  • (502) 564-5708

About Kentucky Housing Corporation, Specialized Housing Resources Department - KY STATE PROGRAM

Last-Modified: 2024-04-18 01:24:42

KHC offers a variety of rental assistance programs to assist families across Kentucky in securing affordable rental housing. The most common programs are Project-Based Contract Administration (PBCA) and the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. KHC uses federal HAP contracts to provide rental assistance in the Section 8 Program. Landlords receive the HAP portion of the tenants payment from KHC monthly on behalf of Section 8 families. At a minimum, each contract unit is inspected annually, but is expected to meet Housing Quality Standards at all times.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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How do you get help for your mortgage payment

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How long does it take to get Emergency housing ,?

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12 Reviews of Kentucky Housing Corporation, Specialized Housing Resources Department - KY STATE PROGRAM


Dec 18, 2019

I’m really in desperate need of help with rent I have to pay 700 before the first and a recently lost my job and have tried to apply everywhere for a job and me not having a car makes it harder to find a job


Jan 9, 2020

Iam 31 weeks pregnant and need a home i get 783 a month disability and my boyfriend might bring around 100 a week thats all i get need help asap. Baby will be here soon!


May 3, 2020

My son and i need help paying rent


Jul 28, 2020

I am in the process of getting my disability and I am low on money. I am 2 months behind on rent due to waiting to see the Judge for disability. I would so appreciate your help! God bless!


Aug 6, 2020

My husband and I are current homeless until next week we currently are staying in hotel til the apt is ready.. We are in need of help with paying for our room til then.


Aug 23, 2020

My wife has terminal illness Scleroderma autoimmune disorder and PTSD and depression along with 2 types of arthritis and we need assistance with hotel stay in Georgetown KY. She is asymptomatic to Covid-19 and we can't go to a shelter. Any help will be appreciated.


Dec 1, 2020

I was needing one time help with rent for this month I haven’t been able to save up any money due to me getting COVID then turning around and getting laid off I was just now able to find a job a week ago if you could please help that would be amazing


Dec 20, 2020

Me and my two daughters will be evicted. We have no place to go, no family or friends to stay with. Every place I have tried to get help just gives me the run around. Please anyone know who to call? Someone live, not a recording or automated? Im scared of my girls being homeless.


Jan 4, 2021

How can I get help for me and my two girls with rent.


Feb 26, 2021

I need assistance for rent and deposit. I'm homeless at the moment.


Jul 13, 2021

How can I get help with my rent? I am not currently working.


Sep 1, 2021

I just got to advocate to file disability for me but I don't have the money to pay the rent while I wait so I'm wondering if you guys help

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.