Orange County Office of Community Development, Orange County Department of Social Services

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Orange County Office of Community Development, Orange County Department of Social Services

18 Seward Avenue
Middletown, NY - 10940

  • (845) 615-3700
  • (845) 360-9093

About Orange County Office of Community Development, Orange County Department of Social Services

Last-Modified: 2024-04-30 04:19:49

The Office of Community Development administers the CDBG, HOME, Lead Hazard Control and several other federally funded programs. Our is to obtain and utilize Federal, State, and local funds to carry out physical improvements to infrastructure and public facilities, rehabilitate existing housing and facilitate the new construction of affordable housing particularly for low and moderate-income people throughout Orange County. Programs offered:lead hazard reduction program fy-2016 cdbg municipal application package community development block grant programs (cdbg)home programsaffordable rental housing production programneighborhood stabilization program (nsp)community development block grant - recovery program (cdbg-r) disaster recovery -community development block grant - disaster recovery (cdbg-dr) analysis of impediments to fair housing choice for more detailed information, contact the organization.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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