Department of Community Development - CLEVELAND

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Department of Community Development - CLEVELAND

320 City Hall
Cleveland, OH - 44114

  • (216) 574-7100

About Department of Community Development - CLEVELAND

Last-Modified: 2024-04-23 11:43:24

Department of Community Development - CLEVELAND offers Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) that provides energy efficiency grants to income-eligible homeowners and tenants.

The grants pay State of Ohio approved contractors for providing energy efficiency services for income-eligible residents' homes, which lowers energy bills. The Home Weatherization Assistance Program is administered by Cleveland Housing Network.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

1 Answers so far
Added Monday, March 22, 2021

7 Reviews of Department of Community Development - CLEVELAND


Jul 15, 2020

Do they give rental assistance


Mar 22, 2021

Communication action, I am hearing your one of the facilities that actually care and help with rental assistance especially when we have children or a child as a single mother. I haven't had any eviction in hand therefore we can't receive a few month's help ? Thank you if anyone would please give information will be so appreciated by all of us.


Aug 30, 2020

I'm at threat of eviction with a 3day notice.worried sick of being put on the streets with this covid 19 mess going on.


Sep 12, 2020

How do you go about finding help with rent for low incomes family throu this pandemic


Sep 19, 2020

I am behind on my runs rent and bills How can I get help please


Dec 16, 2020

How do you apply for this program?


Feb 15, 2021

Hi, I am confused why I file a application for rental assistance I am denied. I understand the fact of people being in more need that may have a eviction notice or a 3 day notice they receive assistance quickly. As most say to PREVENT EVICTION that's exactly what I try to do say's for low income single mother's. Any answer's when I see these helpful adds or watch new's how there is so much help for us & need to mention utility assistance as well is all so difficult to receive. I have had appointments for PIPP Pluss Heap have no idea what's going on since the beginning of December. Wait till what many of us have the little I mean little saved to pay all on are own until it's gone than maybe we won't be out on the street's. I haven't seen much funding for Cuyahoga county in a year as of yesterday read & watched quite a few article's that this shouldn't be happening get to & receive rental assistance NOW before eviction.

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