Oregon Housing and Community Services - OR STATE PROGRAM

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Oregon Housing and Community Services - OR STATE PROGRAM

725 Summer Street, NE
Salem, OR - 97301

  • (503) 986-2000
  • (503) 986-2020

About Oregon Housing and Community Services - OR STATE PROGRAM

Last-Modified: 2024-04-05 04:49:51

Oregon Housing and Community Services - OR STATE PROGRAM resources, Section 8, 211 information, and Community Action agencies.

Various housing assistance programs that are designed for lower income Oregonians, operate through local agencies (CAAs) and community service providers.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

2 Answers so far
Added Thursday, May 7, 2020

Added Sunday, May 3, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

2 Answers so far
SS#, phone #, proof of income
Added Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ss#ur name ur birth day ur income
Added Sunday, May 3, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Can couples stay in the same shelter an go into housing

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11 Reviews of Oregon Housing and Community Services - OR STATE PROGRAM


Dec 17, 2019

I am becoming homeless in 1 week because their isnt room for me in someones else's home is their anyone can help me for a place to live. I am almost58 years old and am a single white female with a few health issues and I have one pet name nigel. We will be out side in 1 week.


Apr 20, 2020

I need help so i can get a place


Apr 29, 2020

With rent y light


Aug 27, 2020

I need help paying my rent and utilities


Sep 4, 2020

Me an my husband is homeless were in a hotel off of Fisher Rd I'm 8 months an 34 weeks pregnant is there a shelter for me an him could stay together in the same shelter


Oct 22, 2020

Hello. I have some feedback. It is nice that the State of Oregon provides assistance. However, the assistance they provide is a drop in the bucket of what someone needs. When rent is on average $700 - $1000 or more per month for ONE person, how in the world is $75 going to help? That is only 10% or less of what is needed. Also having to wait until one foot is out the door (ie 72 hour eviction notice) is a 'little' late for any help, especially since one has to wait until help is provided from other sources first before one can apply. This is a joke, an insult to those who are in serious need. If you are going to offer assistance, at least make it enough that it will actually help someone out. For example, 25% of the rent at LEAST. For one month.


Jan 13, 2021

Help with lights y rent


Jun 14, 2021

Hi, I am currently pregnant staying at my moms in Portland but looking for a apartment in Salem.


Aug 14, 2021

Inquiring about rental assistance, utility,water also. Im unemployed single mothet with autism spectrum daughter with mental health issues. Anxiety of losing our rental home of 19 years.


Aug 19, 2021

I am currently in a budget in Albany Oregon have tried six different online assistance.


Aug 30, 2021

I have been out of prison now since february i was living with my mother but now that i have a job i cant live with her and my job doesnt pay enough to put myself and my daughter in a place to live so if you have any ideas or can help me please let me know thank you

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