Lancaster County Housing Authority and Redevelopment Authority

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Lancaster County Housing Authority and Redevelopment Authority

28 Penn Square
Lancaster, PA - 17603

  • (717) 394-0793
  • (717) 394-7635

About Lancaster County Housing Authority and Redevelopment Authority

Last-Modified: 2024-05-30 20:13:24

The Lancaster County Housing Authority administers the Housing Choice Voucher ("Section 8") rental assistance program in Lancaster County, outside the Lancaster City limits. Under the program, income-eligible tenants pay a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of their monthly incomes for rent and utilities and the Lancaster County Housing Authority pays the remaining portion of the rent.

Tenants are given a housing voucher and they are responsible for locating a suitable rental unit. The landlord must agree to participate in the Program. All types of rental housing (single family homes, apartments, duplexes, and mobile homes) are eligible as long as the rent is reasonable in comparison to the fair market rent limits established by US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the unit is decent, safe, and sanitary.

Any units for which a household receives rental assistance must pass an annual inspection to ensure that the unit is safe and decent.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

3 Answers so far
Nope they lie and say they didn't recieve all the paperwork
Added Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Added Monday, December 21, 2020

Added Tuesday, December 15, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you help homeowners with mortgage assistance?

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Can an application be mailed to my home due to transportation difficulties if I call to request it?

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11 Reviews of Lancaster County Housing Authority and Redevelopment Authority


Mar 17, 2020

I am in need of low income houseing g. Am 62yrs old. I need to move from NC to Lancaster co. To be close to my daughter. Because of my health. Can u please help me with some houseing info that would work for me my income is 800.00 per mo


Jun 9, 2020

Do you help with rent payments?


Jun 19, 2020

My father is terminally ill. He is home at the moment. I am caring for him before he is moved to hospice. When he passes I will not be able to afford this place alone. Is there anyway to be put on a list for help? I am scared I will be homeless with my service dog.


Jun 30, 2020

hello my name is Enrique Aviles two years ago I am disabled due to illness and I have not been paid the stimulus check for the covi 19 my SSD and the SSI is only 800.00 my rent is 685.00 could you help me with something this month please thanks


Jul 12, 2020

I'm in need of a2 bed room apartment living with my daughter I have custody of my greatgranddaugther she is 4 years old. On a fixed income can you help


Jul 23, 2020

I need to know if there is any help for rent. I have not paid tent in years ( even though I was supposed to). And now I am about to get evicted and could use a helping hand


Jul 26, 2020

They have no assistance. There's more than 89 homeless people sleeping outside of the Lanc government center now. The city's 211 services are the worst! Dont come to Lancaster thinking there is help here you will sleep on the street with your children. 7/2020 .


Dec 15, 2020

Sad how myself an my landlord submitted all of our paper work for rent asst an well surprise they claim he didn’t submit all of his smh sad how I know he did but u help ppl that never work so sad.


Dec 21, 2020

I just looking form some pay mi rent of the situación whit h the corona virus everething change


Jan 19, 2021

They lied and said my landlord didn't submit all of his paperwork together we submitted everything. Then lied AGAIN saying they sent denial letters, they NEVER did. This place DOES NOT actually HELP people who NEED it. A very Pathetic establishment. Guarantee they helped all those who purposely didn't pay their rent with that extra unemployment because they knew they didn't have too. All prayers out to everyone whose still in legitimate circumstances that they got denied by these people when they shouldn't have.


Jun 21, 2021

There isn't help for someone on disability. No section 8, no help from the city or county. Even the governor doesn't know what's going on

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