City of Wilkes-Barre Office of Economics & Community Development - WILKES-BARRE

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City of Wilkes-Barre Office of Economics & Community Development - WILKES-BARRE

40 East Market Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA - 18711

  • (570) 208-4138
  • (570) 208-4136

About City of Wilkes-Barre Office of Economics & Community Development - WILKES-BARRE

Last-Modified: 2024-04-15 16:13:36

The Office of Economic & Community Development (O.E.C.D.), a self-sufficient department, acts as the United States Office Housing & Urban Development (HUD) grants administration arm of the City of Wilkes-Barre. O.e.c.d. identifies grant programs that could provide sources of support for a variety of community and economic development initiatives and aggressively pursues these funds.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)The primary objective of this federal program is to develop viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment and economic opportunities principally for persons of low and moderate income levels as well as public facilities improvements within eligible low/mod areas. H

ome Investment Partnership Program (HOME)The Office of Economic & Community Developments Housing initiatives also help stimulate housing development, allowing families to thrive and neighborhoods to provide a full range of housing choice and opportunity. The mission of the HOME Investment Partnership Program is to: Provide decent affordable housing to Low/Mod income households Strengthen the ability of state and local governments to provide housing and Leverage Non-Profit and Private sector participation in providing affordable, decent and safe housing options in our city.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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4 Reviews of City of Wilkes-Barre Office of Economics & Community Development - WILKES-BARRE


Jul 25, 2020

I am 59 about to be 60 in October I am currently on disability staying with a friend which I have to leave. I cannot find an apartment every landlord said you have to make 3 times the rent I make. 1755.a month I pay for my Medicare and medicade I called Pittston housing said are not taking applications then they want the security and rent I put application in first st Kingston pa I am about to be homeless worked all my life I lost my apartment waiting 2 yrs for my disability hearing.


Dec 23, 2020

I had caught COVID at my job I missed one payment my landlord taking me to court to evict me I been trying to get a home I have no money for one month rent n security due for me getting sick I need help


Dec 25, 2020

I been out of jail for two years now and it’s hard to find a place cause my background been staying with my sister but can’t for long lost my income since I got locked up for a year so I’m fighting to get it back, can somebody help me with housing or anything to get me back on my feet?


Jan 18, 2021

I need help with my rent & utilities. I live in luzurne county housing. I have mental health issues and the manager for where I live is unsympathetic with my issues and he has been Discriminating against me.

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