Charleston-kanawha Housing

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Charleston-kanawha Housing

1525 Washington Street West
Charleston, WV - 25312

  • 304-348-6451

About Charleston-kanawha Housing

Last-Modified: 2024-05-30 18:43:39

Charleston-Kanawha Housing has 90 employees who work to provide quality service through their programs with thier Board of Commissioners, community partners and residents, They will continue to work to build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for those they serve.

Section 8 rental assistance programs are federal programs funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered by Charleston-Kanawha Housing.

These programs include the Housing Choice Voucher program, which is tenant based assistance (assistance travels with a family), and the Moderate Rehabilitation Program, which is unit based assistance (a family has assistance as long as they reside in a unit).

Families cannot use a Voucher in a Mod Rehab unit. These programs are equal opportunity housing programs designed to provide the following to low income families regardless of race, age, religion, creed, color, sex, national origin, familial status or disability.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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4 Reviews of Charleston-kanawha Housing


May 5, 2020

I have three kids need help with rent and bills bigger apt because I have 2 girls and a boy not employed because the corona virus


May 18, 2020

Me an my family need emergency housing husband is disabled waiting on his ssi he has a hearing in two weeks we don’t have an income lost everything in house fire end of feb an been in motels but the Red Cross funds ran out an church an family can’t help an we’re getting put out in a week an my husband has surgery may 20,2020 on his Achilles hill an will be layed up for some time please help us get a home


Dec 25, 2020

I have a place but they said I don't qualify now for unemployment I been putting in for jobs everywhere haven't gave up. I really like to keep the place I have I AM from Cleveland Ohio I have no family here.


Jun 12, 2021

I'm in need of assistance. I am widowed and now unemployed due to covid-19. My landlord has been patient and has done what he could to lighten the burden but he can no longer do that. I am significantly behind in my rent and I am currently without water with shut off for electric. I have absolutely no family left. I have nowhere to turn.

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