Aid To Distressed Families Of Anderson County, Inc. -Adfa

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Aid To Distressed Families Of Anderson County, Inc. -Adfa

1051 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN - 37831

  • (865) 481-3837
  • (865) 483-2697

About Aid To Distressed Families Of Anderson County, Inc. -Adfa

Last-Modified: 2024-01-18 00:30:16

Aid To Distressed Families Of Anderson County, Inc. -Adfa provides Social Services program places emphasis on the prevention of homelessness and the development of self-sufficiency. Short-term financial assistance and life coaching are provided with the goal of stabilizing the family during times of crisis.
All applicants are carefully screened to verify need and determine the most appropriate form of aid. ADFACs two Licensed Clinical Social Workers work individually with each client to develop:
Contingency plansExplore possibilities for education or trainingKeeping a budgetOther avenues that promote self-sufficiencyWhen needed, clients are referred to GED programs, job training, drug and alcohol abuse programs and mental health facilities. In order to qualify for assistance, clients must be employed or actively searching for employment, in school, elderly or disabled.
Types of assistance:
Utilities Rent and mortgage Crisis cupboard School suppliesPrescription assistanceWeatherization greenkits Short-term counseling Referrals

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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5 Reviews of Aid To Distressed Families Of Anderson County, Inc. -Adfa


Oct 2, 2019

looking for assistance to help me with rent. i need help desperately i have a 5yr old that just started school and i have to do something because i have no other option of somewhere to live.


Jun 15, 2020

Need help with housing immediately


Sep 19, 2020

Im a Blount county resident, im seeking rental assistance my rent is to high I am a single mother with a 2 yr old.


Feb 5, 2021

I have just gotten out of the hospital with a pharmacy bill of over 300 even with my insurance. I am not going to be able to pay my rent for this month. I am trying to locate assistance with paying this bill can u help or advise me of whom could. Thank u for your service and may God bless


Jul 12, 2021

My family is getting kicked out of our mobile home and we don't have money or anywhere to go. How do we get help?

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