Salvation Army Phoenix Korean, Az

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Salvation Army Phoenix Korean, Az

7238 N. 61st Ave
Glendale, AZ - 85301

  • (623) 934-5950

About Salvation Army Phoenix Korean, Az

Last-Modified: 2023-12-27 03:40:56

Salvation Army offers limited rental assistance when funds are available. Applicants must meet residency and other eligibility requirements.
Please contact them directly to obtain more detailed information or to schedule an appointment.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Thursday, April 16, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Can you help with rental security deposits?

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Where can I get food

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Where do I apply for rental assistance?

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12 Reviews of Salvation Army Phoenix Korean, Az


Nov 11, 2019

I’m looking for help to save my home . I just lost my job . Also my husband just had heart surgery about 2 months ago . We are need of help please


Jan 18, 2020

I have lost my job and I have rent coming up in two weeks can you provide the funds to help me


Apr 23, 2020

Need rent asistence


May 11, 2020

Can help me payment the rent


Jun 8, 2020

hellow and good morning iam having alot off problems i dont have money to pay my bill to buy food or my rent iam on eviction for next week if idont come with cash infront alot offpeople said dont go out they will find help but itry alot and idont get nothing ihave 2boys lucing with me pleas help me


Jun 22, 2020

I'm in need of help to pay my rent. Lost my job & need help so that my 4 children & I won't be evicted from our home


Jul 2, 2020

My wife and I have been out of work now for almost 10 weeks due to covid. My wife has copd,degenerative back disease,and 4 bulging disks and is unable to return to work ever. We have tried to get her disability and we were told she is unable to get it because of not enough work credits . I had to leave my job as well when she got sick and had to quarantine for some time. Thank the lord she in fact came up negative for covid was a blessing. In this time we got way behind in our bills. So was wondering if there was any rental assistance at this time to help. I appreciate your time in this matter. Best regards, Robert Cruz


Jul 8, 2020

Lost jobs due to covid. I'm also 6 months high risk pregnancy and we are about to lose our apartment. Rent was due July 1st so it's past due. If there's anything you can do to help that would be great. Also our cell phones get shut off tomorrow due to no money for the bill so if you could get back asap that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Dec 6, 2020

Requesting housing assistance, evicted and ordered to vacate.


Mar 10, 2021

Hello myself n 2 children are in need of help saving our apt.


Mar 22, 2021

I need rental assist once just before the first and i will be able to have thirty days to come up with next month rent which is enough time but behind on bills. Only need your service this month alone for me and ill be able to function continuously threw this pandemic and hard times.


Dec 5, 2021

I need help with finding a place to rent. Because I am about to get evicted.

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