Salvation Army Phoenix South Mountain, Az

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Salvation Army Phoenix South Mountain, Az

1351 E. Broadway Rd.
Phoenix, AZ - 85040

  • (602) 276-7396

About Salvation Army Phoenix South Mountain, Az

Last-Modified: 2024-02-14 19:21:12

Salvation Army offers limited rental assistance when funds are available.
Applicants must meet residency and other eligibility requirements.
Please contact them directly to obtain more detailed information or to schedule an appointment.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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6 Reviews of Salvation Army Phoenix South Mountain, Az


Jun 18, 2019

I wanted to ask if you help paying rent i have three kids that i take care of my roommate just left us without helping i have two day to come uo with my rent right now anything will help thank you so much


Nov 20, 2019

Am homeless now and living in my car with my dog ,, working at Safeway , but giving me 20 hrs a week ,, need a full time job .. cannot get housing , need to find help somewhere ,, Thank You


Dec 23, 2019

please help me with my rent and lights I have been out of work for two months and I just need help God is good all the time if you can please help I would be very bless and greatful for your help either way.


Mar 3, 2020

I have been homeless now 100 days Apartment manager blocked me from paying rent and forced me into eviction I had no legal representation. I am emotionally, spiritually, and mentally drained. I have been placed in an dangerous element that I am not accustomed to and have no way out. I need help


Jun 10, 2020

Hello my name is Thomas. I just graduated from a drug rehab. I moved in to a studio. I have been homeless for the past five years. Since the coronavirus I've been able to obtain a stimulous check. I used all of the stimulous check to move in to this apartment. I've been trying to find work I having a hard time. Any help I can get here in Arizona would be greatly appreciated


Jul 27, 2021

Is there anyway at all you can help me or lead me to someone who can help me pay my rent?

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