Brazos Valley CDC

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Brazos Valley CDC

4001 E. 29th St.
Bryan, TX - 77802

  • (979) 595-2809
  • (979) 595-2816

About Brazos Valley CDC

Last-Modified: 2024-02-29 21:24:08

Please contact directly for more information.
Mission Statement: To provide quality services and products to the residents and businesses of our community in such a way as to maximize the affordability of safe and decent housing, especially for the low income; and to serve as a vehicle and assist in any way possible, through networking and/or forming of partnerships with other non-profits, for-profits, and governmental entities, for the purpose of encouraging community development, economic growth, and general improvement to the standard of living for all the residents of the areas we serve.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you all help people that’s on section 8 housing pay rent

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11 Reviews of Brazos Valley CDC


May 8, 2019

Hey im writing u because i really need help on my rent im behind 2 months an i have 3 kids. I need help. Can u please help me


Jul 9, 2019

I need help paying my rent this month


Jan 26, 2020

I have received an eviction notice from my apartment I lost my job and only have a $100 I am behind $1200 I am 6 1/2 months pregnant, I have a 14 yr & an 8 yr old in the home I have no help at & me & my children have no where to go at all , I am looking for & have been looking for work every-day. Could you please help


May 12, 2020

I am practically homeless.. I am having a hard time finding a job, and housing due to the Corona Virus.. My income tax check was stopped & before I could varify myself the government closed down in March.. I am currently renting rooms in College Station Tx & searching for work.. My stimulus check is rapidly depleting and pretty soon I will be out on the streets where the police say I can not live at, and the City Mission Shelter will NOT accept me due to an argument with the director about an argument over a cigarette when I was doing slave labor at their at their Recycle Center.. The rooms here are $40.00 a night, but the front desk clerk say they give discount prices if you rent by the week or month.. Please HELP ME.. ANY KIND OF RELIEF FROM THE MENTAL ANGUISH, STRESS, & DEPRESSION I AM CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH WILL DO.. I APPLIED FOR HUD HOUSING, BUT THE GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN.. EVEN HELP FINDING A HOME OR APT WOULD BE WONDERFUL.. I HAVE ALREADY SPENT MY S.S.I. paying for 2 weeks of shelter..


Sep 12, 2020

Need help paying rent I'm behind on about to be three months. I have a child and been sick just started back working.


Oct 17, 2020

Do y’all still help with rent assistance


Dec 17, 2020

Do you all help people on section 8 housing with rent that’s behind


Feb 11, 2021

I got injured on my job a month ago, I haven't worked since then due to my injury. I'm in need of relief assistance, thanks for any assistance,


Mar 3, 2021

Dear sir, I’m in need of some housing help with my rent, I’m 62 years old and I do work, and I’m salary but I miss a lot of work due to a heart condition, these people have been very nice to me , but I’m behind on my rent by 2 half months, and I’m scared they are not going to help much longer and ask me to move, I have always helped everyone when they have needed help and now I need help if someone could help me in anyway it will not go unappreciated, I promise you.


Apr 2, 2021

I need a place to live I have been evicted and need help finding a place to live and lost my job also.


May 27, 2021

I need help paying rent and electrical bill please already got the eviction notice don’t want to be on the street with my wife and daughter

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