Bristol Faith in Action

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Bristol Faith in Action

1534 Euclid Avenue
Bristol, VA - 24201

  • (276) 466-8292

About Bristol Faith in Action

Last-Modified: 2024-04-10 08:19:31

We use a Christ-centered approach, helping people in financial crisis. Services are available to most residents in Bristol VA, Bristol TN, Blountville, Bluff City, and some parts of Piney Flats (who are served by BTES). Zip codes in Virginia include: 24201. 24202, and 24203. Zip codes in TN include: 37617, 37618, 37620, 37621, and portions of 37686. Rental assistance appointments will only be made after the landlord emails the executive director at; Email must include how much the client owes the landlord, with the clients nameand phone number. Upon receipt of this email, the executive director will give the information to the appointment setter, then an appointment will be made. We offer to help in the following ways: Utilities & Rent (Deposits only with public housing) if you owe more than $500, we cannot assist. Our average assistance is $125. If you owe more than one month on your rent or utility, we cannot assist. NO MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE AS OF 5/1/2018Prescription Assistance (No narcotics)Food, diapers, & personal hygiene itemsDebt/budget counselingFree medical care via Crossroads Medical 2nd Tues. Referrals for drug or alcohol abuseReferrals for education placementReferrals for job placementReferrals for violence/abusive situations

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
ID social security card and birth certificate
Added Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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6 Reviews of Bristol Faith in Action


Jul 1, 2020

I don't even desperate need of some housing I'm 46 disabled I need a spinal fusion my spine is severed into two pieces my mother 66 she fell in this apart and broke her hip the landlord just want to remodel the apartment upstairs because of a water leak and he needs us moved out he took our rent money and told us to get out by the end of the month and now we're stuck and we don't know what to do where homeless.


Sep 10, 2020

I'm trying to get financial help because I have nowhere to live and haven't gotten my unemployment yet. I have been able to pay for a motel room weekly but today was my last day and my boyfriend only got paid 150 for two weeks at burger king in abingdon. We have a three year old and don't want to be on the streets.


Sep 10, 2020

I would like to get some assistance with the rent r that the tenant is behind month@ $450.


Oct 17, 2020

Hello my name is Crystal I'm homeless use my only money to pay hotel ,I'm need help with hotelier for week or two it's 250 week here at speedway. I had problems were try seek help salvation army last month.


Jan 12, 2021

If you miss 3 appointments faith in action will not help you ever again. They don't care if it's 3 missed appointments in one week or 3 missed appointments in 10 years. They will under no circumstances ever help you again. Even if your a grandmother with her grandbaby out in the cold. Jesus forgives people but faith in action does not.


Feb 12, 2021

We're getting evicted because I'm disabled and my son just got a job bout a month ago working 20 hours or more a week we go to court soon. I'm completely disabled and not yet eligible for ssa but get disability, but we're needing help, when we find a place getting rent n deposit will be impossible at once and if you know of a place that's not to hard to get into thats no more than 500 or 550 would help, also preferably round Bristol/Blountville area cause he works like 5 minutes from there.

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