Good Shepherd - Saint Vincent de Paul Society

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Good Shepherd - Saint Vincent de Paul Society

2626 E 7th Ave Pkwy
Denver, CO - 80212

  • (303) 322-7706

About Good Shepherd - Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Last-Modified: 2024-04-23 08:43:50

Good Shepherd - Saint Vincent de Paul Society offers limited financial assistance to those that qualify when funding is available. This assistance can be for help with paying rent. Applicants must live within the Parish Boundaries.Applicants will need to provide all required documentation and meet eligibility requirements for assistance. Applicants need to call and leave a message with their name, address, phone number and the type of assistance they need.

If the applicants address is within the boundaries of the parish someone will call them back to set up an appointment and give any further information that is needed. Please contact them directly for more information or to have an appointment scheduled for assistance at (303) 322-7706 ext 1027The Parish Boundaries are as follows South of 17th Ave, North of Cherry Creek Dr, West of Colorado Blvd, East of Race St.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you help pay rent in Arvada

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9 Reviews of Good Shepherd - Saint Vincent de Paul Society


Dec 23, 2019

Hi there ... I just went thru one of the toughest weeks in my life. I have been on the verge of eviction for months and managed to make it thru by a string . I am caring for my father who is ill. It had turned into a 24 hours job since Feb 2019. I'm college educated , had a very good job and a reliable vehicle. I sold and lost everything . I reached out to family , but my father alienated them years prior and they made it clear they would be of no financial assistance. He was a loner and a horrible horder . No one had been into his apartment in 10 years . I cried when I finally saw the sqaulor he was living in. It took me 2 days to remove the debris , just to make it clear for maintenance to get in. When he was taken to the ER in February by a neighbor , upon arrival they told me ( after the fact ) , that he had about 2 hours to live , had he not made it in. He then had triple bypass and was diagnosed with sepsis. He has been in my 24 hour care since then. To make this long story short , I was at the bottom . Mentally and financial. Probably one of my darkest times. Everything liquidated including all funds. Credit cards maxed , and the small 401k I had , cashed out ....all just to live . I reached out to Tom. I received his number ( Good Shepard ) from Denver Human Services. Since I was a full time care giver with no employment , I did not currently qualify for funds thru the state. This was a beautiful gift of stability for me. Along with the information that was provided to place my father in a care giving facility. There are no words for me to show my complete gratitude to the congregation who makes a pledge with each visit. I am Catholic and one my fondest memories was my first communion when I was 8 years old. The smile on my fathers face . I now have the ease to know that my apartment is secure thru the rental assistance that was gifted to me , my father ( who happens to be in surgery thru Christmas , again ) ,will be placed in proper care after wards. It has allowed me to resume my job , which thru the grace of God ,was offerd back to me . I can start rebuilding my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart , and for restoring my faith . I would ask that you please share this , so it can be a testimony of the thoughtfulness . Sincerely , Kim.


May 7, 2020

Hard Ship need rental help been living off my Social security my son my caregiver iam liver problems help nt to good I have no family I can ask 4 help mother pass father same single mom need little help I will pay bck in payments help out at ur parish if I can thnk hopeful talk u soon pass due rent I cll lots places 4 help no calls bck


May 25, 2020

tengo necesidad de alguna ayuda con mi asi pudieran se lo agradesco Dios les bendiga


Jun 15, 2020

I desperately need help with my rent called back in January I all most had it til the virus came along I'm 2700 behind because I couldn't go work day labor at staff zone yesterday my landlord asked me I said I'm trying god with help me so is there help I'm on social security disability I only get 800 a month rent is 725 if I could just get caught up I plan on moving somewhere cheaper please let me know.


Jun 15, 2020

We live on social security although I m trying to find a job we still have some financial troubles. We could use some help with the rent and trying to pay for a lawyer fees on a federal level. Something we didn't get around to bc of caring for an elderly relative. Since I m supposed to be on oxygen and we do most of the caregiving ourselves. Could the parish find out about assistance. ASAP


Jul 15, 2020

we are going to end up getting evicted for my one-bedroom apartment off of 75th and Broadway and we are both disabled I just had my second leg amputated at the hospital I just got out of the hospital today July 15th I don't know what don't know what it means but they say they want have a role of constitution.


Jul 24, 2020

Need assistance in paying rent and finding a apartment low income


Nov 17, 2020

Wanted to know how to get help with half of rent or all. March 2nd had a seizure found out i have epilepsy so i haven't been able to work signed up for SSDI my wife is on SSDI which doesn't cover all of our rent we need help I have never had to do this ever and it feels embarrassing asking for help.


Nov 21, 2020

I am homeless living in my car with my elderly mother whom I am caretaker for. Have had many problems with unemployment we need assistance with a motel voucher and help save our personal property.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed