Community Action Muleshoe (Bailey County)

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Community Action Muleshoe (Bailey County)

804 W. American Blvd.
Muleshoe, TX - 79347

  • (806) 272-7537

About Community Action Muleshoe (Bailey County)

Last-Modified: 2024-03-21 01:39:43

Community Action Muleshoe (Bailey County)provides:

Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)WeatherizationEmergency Services (utility assistance, housing, food box)Information and ReferralCase Management

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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1 Reviews of Community Action Muleshoe (Bailey County)


Jul 12, 2020

Hi I was just curious if y’all help people out with their rent I’m currently 1450 dollars behind in rent and was curious to see if there is any way to get help on my rent I’m not asking for the full amount but with whatever is able to be provided will help Me out Thank you

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