Community Outreach Mission Longview TX

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Community Outreach Mission Longview TX

1014-16 East Young Street
Longview, TX - 75602

  • (903)757-3601

About Community Outreach Mission Longview TX

Last-Modified: 2024-01-10 06:29:40

The Community Outreach Mission Longview TX provides utility (last $40) and rent assistance (last $50) when funding is available for residents of Longview only when they have exhausted all other resources.
Must be a Longview resident. Call for full details. Only can apply one time a year.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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can you assist someone for bus passes to get to work?

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Will you help with a hotel room?

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5 Reviews of Community Outreach Mission Longview TX


Aug 4, 2020

Need assistance paying my rent


Jan 23, 2021

Me and my boyfriend can't afford to fix the plumbing at his dad family homestead house and we have to be out by the first of the week. He is disabled and drawing disability and im not drawing unemployment due to miss communication of job search areas and emails or mail being transferred from different addresses used during the pandemic. Please help if you can. Thank you in advance.


Feb 21, 2021

I am getting kicked out of my room cause I can't pay my motel room.


Mar 30, 2021

Me and my wife needs help finding a place live I am disabled and I'm on ssi and we need a place of our own and I will need help with my rent and bills

Ann image

Jan 2, 2023

Do y’all help with rent assistance over $1000 dollars? If so I need help bad I am behind on rent and need help.

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