Doña Ana County Emergency Rent & Utilities Assistance

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Doña Ana County Emergency Rent & Utilities Assistance

845 North Motel Boulevard
Las Cruces, NM - 88007

  • (575) 525-5959

About Doña Ana County Emergency Rent & Utilities Assistance

Last-Modified: 2024-02-17 01:44:16

Utilities and Rental Assistance Program Service coverage:

Rent (up to 15 months);
Rent-to-own payments;
Up to 12 months of renters utilities;
Mobile home lot rent; and,
The funds DO NOT need to get repaid.
Income eligibility requirements.
Does not cover mortgage, homeowners who are experiencing a financial hardship can contact the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority regarding their program to help pay past-due or current mortgage payments. Further information is at
Rental property must be located in Doa Ana County, including all cities, towns and villages in the county.

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

No one has answered this question yet.


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Rent and gas
Added Thursday, October 21, 2021


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


If receiving SSI will you still help with rent?

1 Answers so far
Yes, you will.
Added Thursday, October 21, 2021


How long does it take to know if you qualify?

No one has answered this question yet.

6 Reviews of Doña Ana County Emergency Rent & Utilities Assistance


May 28, 2021

I need utility assistance and rental or down payment assistance


Jun 13, 2021

I need some help, 3 weeks ago we had to leave our house due to mold and not having no place else to go my 4 kids and I are living at motel 6, not having anymore funds. I used my saving for this place and it was all I had, my husband literally up and left 3 days ago and now I’m left to figure this out on my own. I’m a strong woman but I have to admit this hasn’t been a easy pill to swallow and I’m A mom trying to find some help for my children and I. Please if you are unable to help will you provide numbers that can?


Jul 19, 2021

I lost my job a few months ago so I’m struggling to keep up with my rent. I’m receiving food stamps and Medicaid right now plus just qualified for liheap. Please let me know how I can get help to pay my rent. Thank you so much!


Aug 15, 2021

I work 20 hours a week, will I be able to apply for rent assistance.


Sep 14, 2021

I am disabled homeless I get tanft snap and Am awaiting for court date for ssi


Oct 25, 2021

Hello, I applied & was accepted for utility assistance, however it wasn't paid...I got red tagged today for that amount for immediate disconnection...

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