East Bay Coalition for the Homeless

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East Bay Coalition for the Homeless

100 Bullocks Point Avenue
East Providence, RI - 02915

  • (401) 437-5104
  • (401) 324-6678

About East Bay Coalition for the Homeless

Last-Modified: 2024-03-04 00:05:01

East Bay Coalition for the Homeless program provides apartments for homeless families with children, combined with case management and supportive services. The East Bay Coalition for the Homeless has 18 apartments in the East Bay area.
They are located in East Providence, Warren and Bristol. Length of stay depends upon each familys needs, and it is also determined by compliance to program criteria. Rhode Island residents who meet the homeless criteria are eligible to apply.
Families must meet the federal definition of homeless, be a Rhode Island resident for 6 months, and be employed. Case management and support services are cornerstones to every family's success. Our programs are designed to provide individualized support services to help families achieve and maintain financial stability.
Call for more information or visit their website.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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3 Reviews of East Bay Coalition for the Homeless


May 5, 2020

My job down oped my hours from 40 hours down to 37.5 hours.


May 7, 2020

I'm homeless with child I have job and no place to live can you please help me out.


Oct 2, 2021

Do you guys have a way to help me because i am a mother with 3 kids and my house recently burned down and i need a house right now because winter is coming soon.

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