Emergency Shelter Assistance - Salvation Army

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Emergency Shelter Assistance - Salvation Army

211 W Kearsley St
Flint, MI - 48502

  • (810) 232-2197

About Emergency Shelter Assistance - Salvation Army

Last-Modified: 2024-03-04 20:26:36

The Salvation Army serving Genesee County provides financial assistance to local families facing a water or utility shutoff and/or an eviction or foreclosure. It is required that before applying to The Salvation Army, individuals seeking assistance must apply to the Department of Human Services for state emergency relief first.
To make an appointment with The Salvation Army you will need the following documentation:
The Decision Notice from DHHS, (Oct. - March) The Consumers Energy shut off notice or judgment from the court The water shutoff notification Current IDs for all the adults in the home Proof of household incomeReceipts of bills paid in the last 30 daysAn original social security card for the primary bill contact in the homeTo schedule an appointment for assistance, call 810-232-2196 at the start of business (8:30 a.m.) Monday through Friday. Walk-ins will not be seen and will be instructed to call for an appointment.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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4 Reviews of Emergency Shelter Assistance - Salvation Army


Sep 3, 2020

I'm a senior citizen in urgent need of a townhouse base off my SSA income. Send me any info that can help me. Thank you.


Sep 6, 2020

I'm homeless with a open cps case


Feb 28, 2021

Can someone help me with rent assistance? I have an eviction, I need help paying rent.

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