Friendly Center Emergency Assistance Program

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Friendly Center Emergency Assistance Program

147 W. Rose Ave.
Orange, CA - 92867

  • (714) 771-5300
  • (714) 771-7627

About Friendly Center Emergency Assistance Program

Last-Modified: 2024-03-27 02:38:15

Friendly Center. programs and services include:

Emergency Assistance Supplemental Food Programs Mental Health Services Job Development After-school Tutoring/Recreation Counseling Services Domestic Violence Intervention Utility AssistancePlease contact them directly for more information about this or other services that may currently be available to you or to schedule an appointment.

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

7 Answers so far
Motel vouchers
Added Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Added Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Added Thursday, January 30, 2020

Added Sunday, January 19, 2020

Added Friday, January 10, 2020

Added Friday, October 25, 2019

Added Tuesday, September 18, 2018


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Rental agreement eviction notice
Added Friday, January 10, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you have to live in OC to apply for rent assistance?

No one has answered this question yet.


Hi I’m wondering what I’d need to apply for emergency rental assistance? My rent is currently past due and I’ve already picked up my 3 day notice.

1 Answers so far
Added Tuesday, April 7, 2020

14 Reviews of Friendly Center Emergency Assistance Program


Jan 27, 2020

I lost my job three weeks ago But got right back out there and found a new job that I start Monday the 28th I was given a 30 day eviction notice and was told if I pay rent she will let me continue to stay and wait for me to get my first pay check to pay next months rent :) I really need help with this one months rent and I’ll be right back on my feet I live alone work and do everything for myself going back to go next semester I’m doing so great and will continue to do great no matter what thanks for your time and reading my message Sincerely Justin Allard


Feb 28, 2020

I am in dire need of financial assistance as well as help moving my stuff to new apartment im 51 disabled woman with a very sick therapy doggy im in a unsafe unhealthy living environment and need help right away


Mar 21, 2020

I would like more info about rent and bill assistent program thanks


Mar 22, 2020

I am 67 years old with mobility issued + chronic health challenges@risk. I need help paying rent for my room asap until I get next month's pension. I worked honestly over 50 years & have a grown son. I have experience f elder abuse & spent my meager savings to move away..many times. Please help. Please respond. Time is of the essence. I am running out of money.


Apr 7, 2020

Hi my name is Maria I am a mom of two wonderful children. I needed help with my rent this month due to the covide-19. I am currently out of employment due to it. I don’t return till April 28 or further notice. Really need the help. Thank you god bless.


Apr 11, 2020

I'm a 62 year old woman and my partner is 60 old and we both have medical issues. I've just received my first S.S.I. check. My partner S.S.I. is still in process. We've been living in our old van for the past 3 year's. We really need help getting in an apartment and off the streets due to the situation with the pandemic. It really is dangerous for people our age. Anyways until my partner gets approved for his S.S.I. the one check every month just won't cut it. We still have to live. We pay for rental storage, gas for van, food (mainly take out) because it's so hard to cook outdoors we will never be able to cover the cost of credit checks, first month, last month and security to rent an apartment. So far all the programs we have signed up for cannot help us. Is their anyway to. Please let us know if or how we can get some assistance.


Jun 3, 2020

I need payment for my rent please


Jun 9, 2020

Hola disculpen las molestia que ocasiono podrían ayudar para pagar mi renta de este mes atrasado muchas gracias


Jul 2, 2020

I'M basically homeless I lost my house do to a lot of personal problems I'm staying at a program call HOUSE OF BRIDGE I'm working 2 jobs now my interest is getting an apartment for me and my lilttle son and begin a new life away from everything that is been hurting us for so long please help me im


Jul 6, 2020

I need help please


Jul 13, 2020

I need assistance for this month, my rent was due July 1st 2020 of the amount $1500.00 plus utilities which are very far behind, amount is somewhere around $400.-600.00 at this point. Can I please get cash Assistance sent to my Manager before I’m evicted- my son and I are renting and the total rent is $2350.00 my portion with my son for rent only is the said $1500. Plus utilities and a few other things. I’m disabled senior, I would be ever so grateful if the County can help me in Anaheim Hills. Los Angeles is giving $1-K to $2-K monthly from March to renters starting tomorrow and I can’t find anything like that for the Orange County area. I’m afraid of being put out in the streets, my son and myself really need rent help just for one month, I’m suppose to start working temporary job with the Census Bureau around the 31st of July, but won’t get paid for a week or two. Please contact me back with what Zi need to do- I talked to Mgt. told them that I would have the money by this Thursday and if I don’t have it they will give me a 3-day notice.. I’m really sorry all of us needing rent, usually when I’m working Zi give for food and even buy food for homeless when I can afford it- It’s really tough right now! 562-552-6615 Please someone contact me, I’m so worried about this and we have no placeTo go- Thank you- Angela Weston A person that really needs some form of rental assistance and utilities. Thanks again & God Bless you all-


Aug 15, 2020

Hi there, I am in desperate need of rental assistance, please? I was laid off due to the pandemic and was receiving unemployment. I am now behind on my rent. I live with 2 of my sons, one is working and the youngest one was in the hospital for almost 3 months with what the doctors first thought was Corona virus but now know it is a rare disease called CGD. So being able to be home to care for him has been a blessing but has also left us in poverty. I am actively searching for work. Not only am I behind on my rent but I don't know how I'm going to pay come September first.


Dec 27, 2020

I need help for my rent! In November 16 was positive for COVID! Tell me if is possible help me


Sep 10, 2021

Unemployment has ran out and I have been paying for a room in Fullerton. I will not be able to pay it anymore. I am almost 60. I need help with rent assistance if possible please.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed