Hope House, Inc.

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Hope House, Inc.

PO Box 577
Lees Summit, MO - 64063

  • (816) 461-4188
  • (816) 461-8429

About Hope House, Inc.

Last-Modified: 2024-03-13 08:58:31

Hope house is available 24 hours a day, anyone suffering from abuse (women, teens, men) may call the Kansas City metro-area domestic violence hotline for help, support or immediate shelter.

Reasonable accommodations for interpreters and auxiliary aids are available.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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2 Reviews of Hope House, Inc.


Jul 13, 2020

I need help with moving expenses. I am in a 4-plex, for 4 YEARS and I am concerned about the fact that nobody in the building wears masks , or even asks as though they should. I'm 65 years old, if I am exposed to it, I could be in trouble! Not to mention I have a SLUMLORD THAT HAS left. Me w/o AC since June 7, 20. I have money saved, I just need help!!


Apr 24, 2021

Looking for emergency housing

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