Housing Authority of The City of Houston Section 8

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Housing Authority of The City of Houston Section 8

8933 Interchange Drive
Houston, TX - 77054

  • (713) 578-2100
  • (713) 669-4594

About Housing Authority of The City of Houston Section 8

Last-Modified: 2024-04-15 02:17:50

The Harris County Housing Resource Center has compiled a list of emergency assistance providers along with contact information. Many of these providers offer rent or utility payment assistance.

The Texas Lite-Up Program helps low-income individuals reduce the monthly cost of electric service during the summer. Assistance is also available to help pay for basic telephone services.

The Gulf Coast Community Services Association also offers rent and utility payment assistance to qualified households.

Housing choice voucher program available.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide quality affordable housing and assist residents in achieving economic independence. HCHA strives to be a premier housing authority, recognized for service to its residents

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Saturday, May 9, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Lessing , id
Added Saturday, May 9, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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how do you apply

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8 Reviews of Housing Authority of The City of Houston Section 8

Chereese image

Sep 3, 2019

Newborn 1 year old my wife and I need assistance


Apr 13, 2020

I need help to pay my rent I just have a complete knee replacement and another health problem how can I get support please how can I gets help the soon is possible


May 15, 2020

Need help with my rent we both are Disability benefits and are in need Of furniture we have nothing we use All of our money just to move in


Jul 8, 2020

I need help with get a house for me and my boys grow up and need there own room we life in a one bedroom apartment. Please help us we life with disabilities health problems.


Jul 19, 2020

I have 3 members of my family with COVID POSITIVE and one of the members is in the ICU in critical condition. Can you help us with rental assistance?


Aug 18, 2020

Thank u for your help


Aug 19, 2020

I looking for help with section 8 for me and my 15yr old daughter it's getting hard with $106.00 every two weeks unemployment and rent is $888.00 a month


Feb 23, 2021

How do i apply for rental assistance and apply for housing

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