Housing Authority Of The City Of Brownsville

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Housing Authority Of The City Of Brownsville

PO Box 4420
Brownsville, TX - 78523

  • (956) 541-8315

About Housing Authority Of The City Of Brownsville

Last-Modified: 2024-02-08 23:51:27

The Housing Authority owns and manages 826 units in eleven (11) PublicHousing developments and administers a contract for the Housing ChoiceVoucher Program that provides rental assistance to about 2060 lowincome families.
These two programs are subject to all requirements,laws, and regulations of the U. S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment (HUD).
The Housing Authority also is developing a 100 unitmultifamily development using low income housing tax credits (LIHTC).
There is a need to replace 222 Low-Rent units that were approved fordisposition by HUD.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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How long does it take to get housing after submitting an application?

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3 Reviews of Housing Authority Of The City Of Brownsville


Aug 12, 2020

I lost my apartment for me and my children in April when the pandemic started and I’m living with relatives, can I please get help to get an apartment?


Feb 6, 2021

Need an apartment for myself ,wife and Grand Daughter. Preferably a 2 bedroom Im currently retired.


Aug 19, 2021

How long does it take to get housing?

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