Catholic Charities Of Granite City

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Catholic Charities Of Granite City

2266 Madison Avenue
Granite City, IL - 62040

  • (618) 877-1184
  • (618) 798-4287

About Catholic Charities Of Granite City

Last-Modified: 2024-02-16 09:03:07

Catholic Charities Of Granite CityTheyProvide Basic Necessities and Help Them Find the Path to Self-Sufficiency.
Household Vouchers
Rent and Utility Assistance
They Provide Guidance Case ManagementReferral and AdvocacySpecial Food Baskets and Gifts During the Holiday Seasons
SpringfieldWhen individuals are in crisis and cannot find their way.In Alton, Effingham, Granite Citythey work with families to help map out solutions to their problems so that they can regain their dignity.People in crisis need someone who cares and that is why we are here.
Please contact organization for any questions.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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How do i go about applying for this assistance

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If I came last year about this time when can I get help from y'all again

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12 Reviews of Catholic Charities Of Granite City


Jul 19, 2019

We need help with rent and electric bill and if you know anyone that can help.


Jan 28, 2020

I'm 6 months behind .I'm on disabilities, and I'm trying. But keep failing back in the hole. If you can help that would be GREAT.


Mar 27, 2020

How do I go by applying for for rental assistance I'm in threat of an eviction


May 15, 2020

Help with rent electric an water


Dec 15, 2020

I have found lots of places was hoping for some kind of assistance to at least get out of the hole I'm in I have copd. If you can not help I appreciate your time . Thank you


Oct 23, 2020

I'm homeless and on unemployment can you help me get into a apartment

Natalie image

Oct 25, 2020

i am homeless and 24 weeks pregnant my due date is 2/14/2021 i need help with baby boy clothes , diapers , wipes etc also needing emergency assistance for housing looking for and apartment


Dec 15, 2020

Hi I was wondering how I could sign up for rental assistance


Jan 8, 2021

I understand on the normal bases that you can only help with rent every two years but considering with the pandemic going on why is it that people cannot get extra help when they really need it ? I lost my job due to the pandemic and I'm very far behind on my rent and can't seem to find help anywhere I wasn't told about the awsome grant they had going last year until it was too late. But I called the hotline and waited for you all to call me back cuz that's who said that they were sending me to and you guys never even bothered to respond to me and tell me that I was not eligible for help. I had to find out months later I called back for more help to a number that my landlord had given me


Apr 10, 2021

Hello I would like to apply for rental assistance


Oct 13, 2021

You have a great thing going on.


Jan 20, 2022

I'm looking to get on getting my Illinois ID.

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