Lafayette Township Trustee Roanoke IN Rent Assistance

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Lafayette Township Trustee Roanoke IN Rent Assistance

11517 Dennis Road
Roanoke, IN - 46783

  • (260) 414-8148

About Lafayette Township Trustee Roanoke IN Rent Assistance

Last-Modified: 2024-02-02 07:23:10

Lafayette Township Trustee Roanoke IN Rent Assistance provides the following:
Provides emergency assistance with rent, mortgage, utility assistance. Provide emergency assistance with food and household items. Provide funeral or burial assistance and prescription assistance for those who are uninsured. Services provided may vary significantly among townships.
Full list of services include:
BurialCremation Expense AssistanceElectric Service Payment AssistanceGas Service Payment AssistanceHeating Fuel Payment AssistanceMortgage Payment AssistancePrescription Expense AssistanceRent Payment AssistanceWater Service Payment AssistanceMust be a resident of Lafayette township and meet income guidelines.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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