Jefferson County Community Ministries, Inc.

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Jefferson County Community Ministries, Inc.

238 W Washington St
Charles Town, WV - 25414

  • (304) 725-3186

About Jefferson County Community Ministries, Inc.

Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 19:18:03

Jefferson County Community Ministries, Inc. founded in 1983, was organized as area churches found that they could more efficiently assist needy people in the County from one location and by combining funds, recruiting volunteers from their congregations, and requesting donations of food and clothing.
They could then insure the availability of resources, reduce unnecessary duplication, and enable a greater stewardship of money and other resources.
JCCM, in 2006, assisted over 2400 families with:
FoodClothingUtility assistancePrescription assistanceFuelGasolinePropaneRent, and other miscellaneous emergency needsLimited Financial Assistance on Essential Expenses for
RentUtilitiesHeating fuelGasolineMedicine

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
No, they don't.
Added Wednesday, January 19, 2022


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you help with motel vouchers?

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Do you assist Frederick County residents?

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5 Reviews of Jefferson County Community Ministries, Inc.


Oct 15, 2019

Great place wonderful people


Mar 25, 2020

My name is Monica Mongold and I am a mother to a beautiful little 6 year old girl. Due to the recent COVID-19 my job had to cut all of our hours. Now I have no income, no food stamps, no money and a child to try to feed. All while trying to keep a roof over her head and my bills paid. My rent is $895 a month on-top of a $265 electric bill, $62 water bill, $334 car payment plus medical insurance, car insurance . I am already going to fall behind on bills however anything would help and be greatly appreciated. I have never in my life been in a situation like this. I have an associates degree and have always maintained a job since I was 16. Again thank you for your time and even if you can’t help I think it’s a great thing you are doing for your community.


Jan 6, 2021

I live in a motel,im behind on rent.I was getting unemployment but the systems are down.I need rent assistance for 500 to 800 dollars.


Aug 22, 2021

Just got out of hospital homeless, need a motel room.


Oct 26, 2021

I have a beautiful blended family and we are being evicted in two weeks and need enough to cover the months rent and security deposit. At least 2,500

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