North Shore Community Action Programs

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North Shore Community Action Programs

119 Rear Foster Street, Building 13
Peabody, MA - 01960

  • (978) 531-5145

About North Shore Community Action Programs

Last-Modified: 2023-12-27 02:50:37

The North Shore Housing Action Group a network of North Shore Community Action Programs, Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development, and a variety of other social-service providers works with homeless families and individuals and those at risk of becoming homeless to connect them with available resources, including help with past-due rent, security deposits, and more.
Hours of Operations: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
Added Monday, May 31, 2021


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
They do not give cash to anyone, however they will provide a check for rent arrears, or Security deposit, or rent and a letter that is notarized from the landlord stating how much is needed for you to stay in the apartment, or move in, also provide, proof of Residence and income verification to make sure that you qualify for the funds
Added Monday, May 31, 2021


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


How do they help with rent

1 Answers so far
They provide the landlord with a check which you will have to have a letter saying, How much you are behind and eviction is the next step if they do not receive the funds.
Added Monday, May 31, 2021

7 Reviews of North Shore Community Action Programs


Feb 5, 2020

Wish to apply online


Mar 30, 2020

I need help with my rent


Apr 29, 2020

How do I apply for rental assistance?


May 7, 2020

I will be 60 years old in June with a lot of medical issues and am currently living in a motel that I owe quite a bit of money to. I am currently under eviction which I never have ever before this started a couple months before all this carina virus stuff happened because I fell on hardships. I lost my mother and sister and just recently my only brother I was living at my moms taking care of her in her home until she passed away and that’s when everything came crashing down my youngest niece that my mom raised from birth and one of my sisters and her got the house which I stayed in even after my mother past had me fooled on many things that I knew nothing about until the week of it having to be sold after my mom owned and took care of by herself for almost 50 years also to no avail my credit was ruined with the electric and gas and cable. Now I’m almost elderly with no where to turn to figure out how to find help and get my life back on track do I have kids yes whom don’t care cause they to we’re horrible to me and would not let me see then if we so much had an argument and honestly I’m afraid of them to the point if I dare stick up for myself they would badger me about my past that compared nothing to theirs but I’m not one of them tit for tat people I just take it and then go home and cry why because I had the greatest mother in the world until she past so now I just keep myself and I forgot to mention the best part of my life that does try and keep me grounded and that is my wonderful husband of 23 to be but he tries to stay out of it cause I come from a really big family and the best thing we have going for us is our faith he prays for everyone cause he hopes one day to that they’ll find God and change some of their lifestyles also. But moving forward we are but on ssi and he works whenever and wherever he can no job is to small he always say to take care of me. The reason we fell on hardships this winter is because he works with snow companies an they’re Werner very many if any this year or other wise I wouldn’t be asking for any help as we always lived enuff to get by and he thinks it’s wrong to ask housing for amor anyone for any kind of help. Well I finally begged cried and somewhat convinced that we need help. I would love for it to be me him n our dog to just be able to sit back and take a break for a wile just until I can get my health back on track I suffer from extreme vertigo to the point if I stress to hard my attacks cause me to vomit uncontrollably for days at a time also extreme migraines n severe memory loss do do to the migraines n panic attacks and the hardest part is not remembering any thing for weeks at a time and it’s so embarrassing when I can’t see my grandchildren whom I love more than life it’s self this all started when I was about 14 and violently attack beyond words I don’t wish to say other than I have a beautiful family even though they don’t feel the same about me which I partly blame myself for isolating them a lot n never really taught them the difference between Wong in right so that’s how it started towards me but can honestly say I would do it over again with children of anyone. Anyway I am so very sorry for the long message I just want to ask for a littltle help in getting me out of a very sticky situation nand if it takes the rest of my being I will forever be greatful an pay back in matter what it takes be it hard labor volunteering and anything to do with children I’m there I use to be a children’s coordinator when I lived in a big building and would do there homework with them we would have bake sales and arts and crafts to raise money to take the less fortunate on trips, honestly if it takes my last breath I will repay everything back. I’m kinda leaning towards a enior


May 7, 2020

I need temporary assistance with rent arrears and utilities


May 26, 2020

I have heart problems and on disability, looking for 1 bedroom apartment. need help


May 31, 2021

I need help with finding an apartment and moving costs. I am definitely considered an emergency situation.

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