Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Rutherford County

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Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Rutherford County

1406-A West College St
Murfreesboro, TN - 37129

  • (615) 893-8938
  • (615) 907-1207

About Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Rutherford County

Last-Modified: 2024-03-13 05:05:07

The Emergency program is funded through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). The Emergency Program is designed to provide assistance to a household facing a crisis situation due to an unexpected occurrence that has negatively impacted the households financial stability. Examples of such occurrences could be, but not limited to, reduction in household income, loss of employment, or an unexpected essential household expense. Low-Income Home-Energy Assistance Program Head Start & Early Start Elderly and Disabled Services Program Case Management Programs Emergency Services Program Nutrition Programs Weatherization Assistance ProgramMCCAA provides assistance through a one- time payment of a past due essential utility bill or rent/ mortgage. In addition to providing the household with the monetary services, MCCAA also provides a Financial Education component with the Emergency program.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you have to be Rutherford county resident? Because I live in Bedford County

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Do they help with rent in Bedford county?

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15 Reviews of Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Rutherford County


Sep 3, 2018

My spouse n I are both layed off and need help with rent please call me at 6297722152

Lisa image

Mar 8, 2019

I was staying with my boyfriend and where stay they to me I had to get out I have nowhere to stay a person put me up at a motel for 2 days I have until sat 11 to have a place to go I want to be closer to like Walmart and stuff if u can help me with a motel stay for like a month just lone enough to get on my feet it would highly 3 appreciate and I dont have a car no more I was hit on my 24 2018 and it towled if u can help in both of them areas I would be grateful


Nov 6, 2019

I was fired last week, and I am out a weeks ay, as i thought i was going to be able to pay rent. My rent is $945, and if i dont come up with it by the end of the week, i am evicted. please, please please help me.


Dec 22, 2019

Single mom of 4 rent due this week please help before Christmas


Jan 6, 2020

I need help with my rent or me and my kids will be put out please and thank you


Jan 17, 2020

Didn't get paid and have to pay rent need help please


Jan 24, 2020

I have a friend who has a 5 month okf baby and boyfriend just recently went to jail and she has no job due to having her baby and shes from a different state and only been in shelbyville tn for about 2 years now her rent isdue and she is so scared can y'all help her if so you can contact me and I can go and let her know she lives right down the street but she has no working phone number.


May 4, 2020

I recently got a new job offer(due to lack of hours due to this covid pandemic) and was looking for a decent place for me and my two children to stay. I am looking for any type of assistance to help with our moving. I still haven't found an affordable location for us. I was just trying to see if there's any agencies that offer rental help.


May 4, 2020

I need help for paying my rent


Feb 10, 2021

Please I need help with my electric bills.


Feb 10, 2021

Do you have to be a Rutherford resident I'm a resident in Bedford County


Feb 19, 2021

I have been borrowing to make ends meet. Pending ssdi and lost half my income due to job loss, and divorce. My bills are piling up now that I’ve reached my loan limit. And just had an insurance claim which took my bank to negative. I have two little boys and a girlfriend who rely on me. A combat wounded veteran with 100% disability totally and permanent. Just needing some help. Thank you please feel free to call


Feb 21, 2021

My husband & I are in our 70's & currently unemployed due to COVID. He lost his job at the beginning of lock downs because his company restructured.


Mar 1, 2021

Good morning, Im asking for help with my rent. I`ve been out of work for 6 months. Had major surgery on my neck on Dec 4, 2020. we are 4months behind. is there any help for landlords?


Jul 22, 2021

Me and my 12 year old are staying in motel; rent is due and I recently lost job due to injury and cant pay it and we have no where to go.

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