North Delta Regional Housing Authority

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North Delta Regional Housing Authority

4 East Second Street
Clarksdale, MS - 38614

  • (601) 627-9627
  • (601) 627-3142

About North Delta Regional Housing Authority

Last-Modified: 2024-04-24 01:09:59

North Delta Regional Housing Authority offers rental assistance to low income residents through the management of the areas Housing Choice Voucher Program - formerly Section 8. This program is available to those that qualify and there may be a waiting list due to the overwhelming need for assistance.

At times the list may close to new applicants. If you would like to obtain more detailed information about this or other programs that may be available, please contact them directly.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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9 Reviews of North Delta Regional Housing Authority


Apr 5, 2019

My kids and I need help paying rent


May 28, 2019

I need help I have 5 kids and barely making payments on my rent and bills


Feb 26, 2020

I have 4 kids and a grandchild. I have fallen behind on my rent due to my car being down in the months of October, November, December and January. Money was taking out of my checks because I missed days due to either a sick child, me being sick or me having to take my mom to the doctor. It has been very hard on me. I barely have money to pay my bills. I have to pay have on my light bill, I have a loan bill I pay. My gas was turned off and I had to pay almost $400 to get it turned back on and wait almost a week for the gas people to come and turn it back on.


Jun 22, 2020

What can I do to get help 4 my kids am a single mother of 4


Sep 12, 2020

I'm asking for help I'm on a fixed income. I've had some a stuff time for the last three years because my family home that had burned Then before we could get started fixing it back up a flood destroyed that then the people that gave help to some told us our house were considered condemnation because weren't living in at the time of disaester accrued. After I lost my husband income I've been paying rent utility that two income paid a lot less problems.

Vivian image

Sep 24, 2020

Good Morning, I am reaching out in response to me and my kid aspect of needing help with payments of rent and more. This is done so through the efforts of being unemployed and also out of work from Covid-19, temporary working, and being a home school teacher. I ask if you all could give me insight on what I need to do as well as what can you all offer and assist me with during this time to help us.


Mar 3, 2021

How do I apply for renters help?


May 28, 2021

I have fallen behind in paying my rent. Can you all help me?


Aug 25, 2021

I need emergency rental assistance

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