Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of New Mexico

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Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of New Mexico

1215 Mountain Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM - 87102

  • (505) 247-0400

About Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of New Mexico

Last-Modified: 2023-12-06 01:48:09

The American Legion Department of New Mexico offers assistance through their Temporary Financial Assistance Program. This program is available to those that qualify and are approved. The program is administered through the National Office however applicants are screened on a local or Post level. The applicants needs are investigated fully before approval is given.
Eligible applicants are minor children whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership. Legion membership is not required however. Applicants 18-20 years old will also be considered if a current disability requires special schooling or indefinite in-home care, or they are enrolled in an approved high school and are unmarried.
Legion membership eligibility requires the parent or guardian must have served at least one day of active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during one of the following periods:Dec. 7, 1941-Dec. 31, 1946June 25, 1950-Jan. 31, 1955Feb. 28, 1961-May 7, 1975August 24, 1982-July 31, 1984Dec. 20, 1989-Jan. 31, 1990Aug. 2, 1990-Cessation of hostilities as determined by the U.S. Government.
If you would like more information please contact them directly .

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Proof of income
Added Sunday, June 18, 2023


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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So you have to have some military connection?

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8 Reviews of Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of New Mexico


Aug 13, 2019

My name is John I am a single man 66 years old unemployed and I am living on social security $966.00 a month. I am a native New Yorker presently living in ABQ New Mexico I am also paying $168.00 a month to a storage facility in Queens, New York that is holding all of my personal belongings for me. Four years ago in 2015 I had to fly out here from New York to ABQ New Mexico to take care of my mother as she had stage 4 cancer. My mother died a year ago she was 85 years old and a widow for 20 years. I also had a sister who had cancer I had to take care of her also she died of cancer as of last year. I devoted four years of my life taking care of my mother and sister. Presently I am still living in ABQ, NM and my other sister helped my to acquire a studio apartment in 909 Apartments on Tijeras Avenue NW ABQ NM 87102 ( Apt. # 323 ). My rent is $650.00 a month however with my expenses and monthly payments to my storage facility in New York I can only pay half rent and I am requesting Rent Assistance of $300.00 a month. My lease is for Oct. 2018 to Oct. 2019.which is when my lease ends. Until I acquire another means of support I am requesting your help. Please contact me ASAP on this matter via Phone and / or email.I have been served this past month Thursday 6-6-2019 and Wed 7-31 2019 with a three day notice to pay my outstanding rent or my landlord will begin legal proceedings. I would like to schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor in person and I require the address for here in ABQ NM. For the past few months I have been paying my rent in installments. Half one month and the second half the following month. I have contacted several organizations for financial help. For the record my back rent owed is $1,150.00. Please help me to stop this eviction process ! Thank You John


May 2, 2020

I am 51 in 2 months and disabled (one arm and one leg)... I have been living in Gallup NM since approximately March 15th 2019. I just moved into my new apartment on March 17th 2020 and because of the Covid-19 Pandemic I have been laid off. I won't be able to pay my internet bill on May 6th of $53 and I would like to know if you can help in any way?


Oct 30, 2020

Single father of two children. I had a section 8 brochure stripped from us due to their lack of professionalism and concern for family's in this pandemic. We are currently facing eviction and nobody in this city is helping us. If this state recently acquired 1 million dollars for eviction assistance and we are here looking for help, where are the funds going to?


Nov 30, 2020

How can I get help with my rent?


Jan 27, 2021

I need help getting in to a place i get 500 a week but cuz its unemployment no one will rent to me


Apr 22, 2021

I am in need in assistance to pay for the damages made to my vehicle during a theft made in front of my home the front back and drivers side windows were shattered and all tires were slashed, i had just purchased the car after saving a very long time i had not put insurance there for a insurance claim is not an option for help.


Aug 22, 2021

I live alone, can't find a job i've no experience thereof no one hiring me, I can't pay my bills, I was in a relationship for 35 yes never worked so I have no experience in anything especially for today's demands, computer skills, nothing, I've applied for anything that's hiring but no takers.. I'm in need of help, I'm going to lose my home haven't paid rent in 6 months.. I don't qualify for housing or any kind of government help just Snap.. So would I qualify for your assistant.. D. S. H?


Oct 11, 2021

If someone can please help me into getting a house or apt it would just be a huge help.. I would greatly appreciate it.

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed