Women's Housing Coalition

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Women's Housing Coalition

3005 San Pedro NE
Albuquerque, NM - 87110

  • (505) 884-8856

About Women's Housing Coalition

Last-Modified: 2024-02-26 18:19:31

The Women's Housing Coalition provides Public housing and rental assistance. Things They Must Have to Process Your Application From Client:
Photo ID of applicantChildrens names and social security numbers/CardsTANF:
Letter showing receipt of any public assistance in the form of money or food stampsEBT CardCaseworkers name and phone number

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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How do I apply for the women's housing coalition?

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10 Reviews of Women's Housing Coalition


Jul 17, 2019

Hello! I would like to know if you help with rental assistance? I really need help I got a 3day notice and my kids and I have no where to go.


Oct 14, 2019

Rent behind my rent


Feb 26, 2020

How do I get the help I need for me an my kids


May 1, 2020

My name is Theresa and I'm 32 yr old and homeless I am 5 months pregnant and can really use some assistance getting into a place.. I had applied for help from your program but at the time I had all 4 of my kids with me at the time so there was not enough room for all of us.


Jul 20, 2020

Hi my name is opel and an behind on my rent I have 2 boys under 6. Can you guys help us


Aug 13, 2020

Hello I lost my husband last year and then I lost my job this year due to the pandemic. I'm behind on my house payment for this month and my bills are piling up. I have 2 daughters that are in high school and I just got my two grandchildren children. Please can someone please respond to me.


Aug 19, 2020

Im 26 yrs and currently homeless trying to get back on my feet to get my kids back from there grandparents.


Oct 19, 2020

I am a single mom of three children ages 10, 9 and 6 , I am on unemployment due to covid and I need so much help right now . Please we need help!!


Oct 22, 2020

I need help paying my rent I’m disabled and I get disability but I don’t make much I’m in need of help.


Jan 31, 2021

I really need money to rent me a place to stay I'm 51 years old I'm staying with a cuzin she's asking me for 500 bucks for rent and I lost my job do covic.

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