Normal Township, Office of General Assistance

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Normal Township, Office of General Assistance

304 E. Mulberry
Normal, IL - 61761

  • (309) 452-2060

About Normal Township, Office of General Assistance

Last-Modified: 2024-02-09 23:51:04

All townships in Illinois are statutorily mandated by legislature to levy taxes and administer general assistance for destitute township residents.

General Assistance is a locally administered welfare program which provides monthly financial assistance to persons who do not have adequate income or resources to provide for their own basic needs. To qualify, the individual must meet certain financial and residential criteria, and not be eligible for any other state or federal assistance programs.

Any township resident 18 years or older who is either a U.S. resident or legal alien admitted under color-of-law. The General Assistance Program is primarily for those adults without minor children, without adequate income, and ineligible for any other monetary forms of assistance.

Applicants who do not qualify for General Assistance may still qualify for Emergency Assistance. To qualify for this program, the applicant must be:

30-days or more behind in their rent,
have received a 5-day notice from their landlord or have a shut off notice for electricity, natural gas or water services,
meet specific financial criteria based on household size.

This assistance is available only once in a 12-month period, and other criteria will be reviewed to ascertain if the applicant is eligible.

Any township resident 18 years or older who is either a U.S. resident or legal alien. Emergency Assistance is available for adults with minor children who are not receiving TANF or social security income.

Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Seniors' Program to create a friendly atmosphere for recreational, cultural, nutritional, health and support services for senior citizens throughout the community. To accomplish this goal, we believe in supporting a comprehensive range of programs and services for older adults. Our range of services will include programs, classes and activities to meet a wide array of interests, expectations and needs.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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What is the email address for township assistance?

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2 Reviews of Normal Township, Office of General Assistance


Jan 2, 2020

I need help with my rent this month please can u guys help


Aug 22, 2020

I need help with paying tent I'm behind and on disability

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