Lutheran Social Services of Nevada

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Lutheran Social Services of Nevada

73 Spectrum Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV - 89101

  • (702) 639-1730
  • (702) 639-1736

About Lutheran Social Services of Nevada

Last-Modified: 2024-02-21 02:55:23

To help people who are in danger of becoming homeless, LSSN can provide temporary rent and/or utility assistance. This is done on a case-by-case basis agency to agency referral:
Temporary Rent/Utility AssistanceCall (702) 639-1730Select option "8"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:  8:00am - 4:00pmClosed Thursdays, Weekends and Holidays

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

4 Answers so far
No they give a voucher to the landlord or to you to pay rent
Added Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Added Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Added Monday, September 30, 2019

no, rental assistance is provided through federal block grant funding by appointment and individual need only as set forth by title iv funding guidelines
Added Thursday, January 17, 2019


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

2 Answers so far
To apply you need nevada i.d. or d.l. proof of residence . And income
Added Tuesday, July 7, 2020

payments are made by check to authorized agent such as client based property selection , transitional individual treatment plans and only offered in an emergent situation
Added Thursday, January 17, 2019


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


Can walk in without an appointment

No one has answered this question yet.


Do you help obtaining Nevada ID for homeless?

No one has answered this question yet.

26 Reviews of Lutheran Social Services of Nevada


Oct 9, 2019

Necesito apoyo para reubicar a una persona que fue atacada y lastimada en su departamento . Por el momento está en proceso de recuperacion y rehabilitacion medica. Necesita un espacio seguro y de acuerdo a sus necesidades por limitacion de movimiento. agradezco de antemano su atencion


Jun 28, 2019

I am in need of rent assistance. I just moved to Las Vegas 3 months ago. And I am homeless. I do have a job. I just need help to get stable.


Apr 8, 2019

Please my family and I really need ur help for just this month I came in on Wednesday the 3 the lady told me that she will call please help


Jul 25, 2019

i have lived at my residence for 12 years and i always paid my rent my husband just got laid off from being at his job for 5 years and our rent is due and he just got a job but will not be paied until the end of the month all i need is august to be helped with and we be okay please if there is any assistance please help we our good people like others out their and i don't want to ,loose our home due to hardship. you can email me at any time thank you


Sep 21, 2019

My name is Donald Beasly I am in Las Vages,NV I am currently homeless i am recieving welfare benefits for myself I am also currently unemployed I am looking for transitional houseing and or permanent low income houseing and or rent grants so that I could rent a room from someone.


Dec 2, 2019

I am homeless with i need rental i am 65 years old and disabled and my family is with me and they are my whole life my daughter takes care of me and they keep me smileling all the time my baby granddaughter is the most.beatiful granddaughter.


Feb 15, 2020

Ive been renting from a friend. Recently she had psychotic break down and forced back with family. 2 days ago i was informed she wouldn't be returning. I also recently lost my job. 14 days from now o could be homeless! Reaching out to anyone willing to help.


Feb 27, 2020

Can you help with rapid rehousing program.


Apr 14, 2020

I need help with my rent and light bill. There is to much on my plate to deal with alone and as single parent. As soon as govern cleats things. I'm homeless first day courts open


Apr 19, 2020

am sure you are gettng alot of requests right now but i am in need of assistance in paying my rent . because i have not been at my job long enough i have been denied unemployment and I also dont qualify for the stimulus check so I dont know where else to turn at this point . thank you jennifer


Aug 4, 2020

Please if I can get help with rental assistance


Aug 15, 2020

I am 54 years old i was working in a nursing home that got hit hard with covid19. My hours was cut short and eventually was furloughed im on unemployment 16 dollars a month food stamps. And behind on my rent. I will be almost 2 months behind at risk of being homeless. Can uhelp me


Aug 23, 2020

I had hoped the my employment benefits from the government would extend but I'm only getting 121.00 every week please give me some hope


Sep 3, 2020

I just became homeless 2 weeks ago..


Sep 9, 2020

Hello iam a single mother of 5 kids who was laid off due to covid-19. Iam receiving unemployment benefits but it's just not enough to put up a deposit and first months rent for a place that I'm still searching for especially with my bad credit the housing market is ridiculous with their first and last months rent and 3x the deposit to move in I can't even afford that.


Sep 29, 2020

I was sending messages to see if I could get appointment. I short on my rent because of emergency situations.


Oct 4, 2020

In need of rental assistance. My unemployment runs out this week.


Oct 5, 2020

I am unemployed due ton COVID-19 and haven’t received any benefits, denied for unemployment for monetary ineligible, I don’t know why it’s hard for me to get a PUA when you’re telling the truth. I need help for rent payment this October. I am behind for 5 days now and with penalty. Hopefully it won’t be hard for me this time to get help. Thank you


Oct 9, 2020

Need somewhere to live for 2 or 3 weeks thank you


Jan 21, 2021

I need assistance with paying my rent this month, 460


Jan 21, 2021

Do I qualify for rent assistance. 510mo


Jan 21, 2021

I am 69yrs retired have received a 5 day notice of eviction, do I qualify for rent assistance, $510 mo?


Jan 27, 2021

In desperate need of rental assistance or cash payment for utilities. I was furloughed from my job as a driver for a nursing home may 10 2020. I drew unemployment for 5 months and was called back to work September 6th and was let go November 14th. I reopened my unemployment claim November 15th and haven't received anything for 2 months because of a backlog all these people filing for unemployment. I haven't had a income for 2 months need assistance asap for rent utilities.


Feb 22, 2021

I am looking for help paying my monthly rent, I was behind of my payment and I am experiencing hardship impacted due to COVID-19. My spouse don’t have a job since March 2019, applied for benefits but didn’t received any help. I am a household of 3 with minor kid.


Jun 7, 2021

I have lost everything when covid came around, can I still qualify?


Oct 4, 2021

The room I've been renting owner says I have to vacat 30 days due to selling I'm 64 yr old retired male on a small budget

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Office Hours of operation

  • Day Hours
  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed