Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation

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Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation

215 S Barnes Ave
Springfield, MO - 65802

  • (417) 862-4314
  • (417) 864-3499

About Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation

Last-Modified: 2024-04-22 21:56:11

The Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation Housing Assistance Program helps pay rent for low income residents so they may live in a house, apartment, or mobile home which is decent, safe, sanitary and affordable.

All applicants must be income eligible for placement on the Waiting List for assistance. Total household income must fall at or below the HUD Very Low Income Limits (50% at Area Median Income).

Social Security cards are required with applications. Applicants will be selected from the Waiting List in date and time order of their application. Applicants will be notified by mail when funding is available. A final income eligibility determination will be made at that time.

Eligible applicants will be issued a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher as certification of their eligibility.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Social security cards
Added Sunday, September 5, 2021


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do you only help green county or can you reach out to wrigh cpuntu

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13 Reviews of Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation


Dec 19, 2018

My family is in need of rental assistance for our moile home our rnt for the month of December is $422 due to Christmas and having a new granddaughter in the home and car repairs we are behind on our rent for this month


Aug 23, 2019

Need help with $375 rent. Had to get air conditioner for my house and had to use rent money for it. Have to have AC due to COPD. And had to by extra fan to help circulate the cooler air


Sep 19, 2020

Lost my job struggling need rent paid single mom of 3 kids starting over.


Sep 21, 2020

I need help with rental assistance as where i was staying for 11 years have to move and found an apartment but only make 803 a month and to get into the apartment i need 680 - can you help or know where i could turn to , thanks in advance


Oct 12, 2020

Im 77 i need help, in find low income housing.


Nov 19, 2020

Pregnant and homeless. Need help with deposit and rent.


Dec 5, 2020

I cant afford my rent at the sober living house I am staying at. I need $350 ASAP. Or I will be out on the streets


Jan 4, 2021

Need help paying my rent this month


Feb 7, 2021

I am 24 yrs of age . An I am pregnant with my first child . I am currently homeless an don’t have much of a income . If I could get help to get into a place , so my baby has some where to come home to .. I would be able to afford low income housing I just have no clue as to what I need to do to get assistance with these issues.


Mar 24, 2021

I am not computer smart, I have trouble doing online applications, I am in need of financial help with rent and utilities, my lights are in disconnect status.


Aug 11, 2021

I need rent assistance. I am on SSI, and I only bring in 762 each month.


Aug 13, 2021

My husband and I are starting over clean and toxic free. We expect to have our kids back on our home very soon and can afford the monthly payment but nor the down payments for that and elegant what not. Can you help or know an organization that could? Thank you.


Nov 3, 2021

I've been waiting on my ssi and I finally got approved. I need maybe another month until hopefully everything will be taken care of and be able to pay at least a couple months.

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