Christ Among Neighbors (CAN)

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Christ Among Neighbors (CAN)

45 South West Street
Carlisle, PA - 17013

  • (717) 243-7338

About Christ Among Neighbors (CAN)

Last-Modified: 2024-02-11 23:47:05

May be able to assist with the following services:Gas vouchers are given and car repairs are funded so clients are able to make it to job interviews, work assignments, and doctor appointments. Security agreements are made for families in need so that they are able to move out of shelters and into their own homes. Heating oil is provided to families with children so that they can stay warm in the cold winter. Rent is paid for families whose breadwinners are struggling with unemployment so that they can keep their homes while searching for a new job. Assistance with medications and other health care related needs is given to clients facing devastating illnesses like AIDS and cancer. Temporary housing is funded for homeless clients that have gained employment and are waiting for that first paycheck. Referrals are given for clients and families, to agencies such as Maranatha-Carlisle, a financial budgeting service, to help clients begin their journey back to financial independence and family safety. Visit their website for a full list of requirements and application process. Contact them directly with any questions.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

1 Answers so far
C.A.N. may pay landlords for rent. An application is required
Added Saturday, July 24, 2021


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
We do not offer cash payment help
Added Saturday, July 24, 2021


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


How to get a gas voucher?

No one has answered this question yet.

5 Reviews of Christ Among Neighbors (CAN)


Apr 23, 2020

Im currently in a recovery house in Lemoyne, I need help desperately to get in to my own place. I do have a job(not getting alot of hours now) Nut I am a full time employee.


May 7, 2020

I’m tryin to be able to get help wit gettin a place my house was condemned in dec for carbon monoxide leak and had any luck gettin in to a place since


Aug 7, 2020

I am currently living in a hotel with my daughter and I need helping paying my rent. I am currently not allowed to work for the next 4-6 months and I still haven't gotten my unemployment yet. My rent is $273 a week.


Feb 2, 2021

I just moved from being homeless 5months into a nice apartment. My problem is security 1st months rent moving costs furniture many household needs . I was forced to leave my home because of domestic abuse . I can not retrieve my belongings. I'm sure l can pay my bills if only l could get assistance to start a life filled with God's strength and guidance.


Jul 15, 2021

Need rental assistance for at least two months, and three months worth of utilities.

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