Protestant Family Service

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Protestant Family Service

496 Glenwood Ave.
Youngstown, OH - 44502

  • (330) 746-4600
  • (330) 746-2600

About Protestant Family Service

Last-Modified: 2024-02-04 04:51:01

Assistance provided:.
General Counseling
Referrals to and from other agencies
Emergency Monetary Aid (paid directly to provider)
Utility bills to prevent disconnection or to restore service
Life-sustaining medication
Screening clients for ministers
Back-to-school clothing and shoes
Major appliances & furniture (if available)
Christmas gifts (childrens toys, food, meat vouchers)

Mission Statement: The Agency shall develop and channel the resources of the local community to those in need and to strengthen spiritual and moral values of family life: By offering the services of the caseworker to enable individuals and/or families in need to develop the ability to deal with their problems. By providing leadership in community planning for the establishment and improvement of: social conditions essential to wholesome family life services that families require for adequate social functioning. By networking with agencies to provide needed services. Protestant Family Service does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, national origin, race, sex, age, sexual orientation, marital status or physical disability in the administration of our programs.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Do u help people with rent in hermitage pa

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If I needed assistance with rent, where would I start on that process?

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Can you help find an apartment that takes section 8 Home Choice Voucher?

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10 Reviews of Protestant Family Service


Jan 7, 2020

I really need help in paying rent


Jan 18, 2020

I need help with rent in warren ohio


Jul 8, 2020

I have a 8 year old boy and a 10 year old girl my girl is on ssdi and she get 651 a month and that's all we have to pay rent and utilitiestes and we still haven't got are stimulus check so I'm behind on rent and electric I just got a 3 day eviction and my electric is ready to get shut off someone please help me I live in Salem Ohio


Jul 14, 2020

I'm from masury ohio and I am currently having a hard time get money to pay my rent next month. I'm a single mother of 3 kids. I just started to work but won't have enough money for rent. From masury ohio


Jul 17, 2020

Really need help paying for rent this month even if its half of my rent just need alittle assistance. Total due is 500 but any little bit helps. Have a 2 yr and 6 year old and myself.


Jul 24, 2020

Hello I lost my house 2 months ago and me and my family are split up untill I find a new place for me and my 3 kids. I lost my job due to covid19 but I am working again and need help with my security deposit and first months rent and just finding a place in a decent area my children are 1, 8 and 9. We just want to be together again and have a home again. Thank you for reading.


Jul 25, 2020

I need help for morgage $600 ,and bills $200. I haven't paid the bulls and mortgage in the last 2 months. My children Are 10 and 14 year old.i dosen't understand much english . Please kindly help my family.


Nov 17, 2020

Do u help with stove n frig n beds ??


Mar 13, 2021

I live in Trumbull county, can I get help for rent?


Mar 19, 2021

I'm behind in rent 1200. I'm on disability I can't afford that

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