Providence Community Action - Emergency Services (Main Office)

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Providence Community Action - Emergency Services (Main Office)

518 Hartford Avenue
Providence, RI - 02909

  • (401) 273-2000
  • (401) 273-2007

About Providence Community Action - Emergency Services (Main Office)

Last-Modified: 2024-02-25 02:52:42

Providence Community Action - Emergency Services (Main Office) offers a variety of services to those in need within the community. Among these services is Emergency services which offers limited rental assistance to those that qualify when funds are available.
If you would like to obtain more detailed information such as availability of assistance, eligibility requirements or their application process, please contact them directly.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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What type of benefits are available?

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6 Reviews of Providence Community Action - Emergency Services (Main Office)


Mar 10, 2020

I need help with my rent as I'm having trouble ide like to move because every time I ask for something to be fixed my landlord threatens to kick me out I'm so stressed out please help us


May 25, 2020

I need help to pay my rent this moth.


Sep 3, 2020

I wanted to know if I can get any help as to finding a apartment I currently live in a housing complex and they want me to pay 1300 but where I live is mice and roaches infested I can not take anymore and there is nothing being done about the problem I have a 7 year old that won't even sleep in his own bed because of this problem so really I just need to find a apartment and help with first rent and security then I should be ok after that please if I can get some help will be appreciated thank you...


Nov 5, 2020

Hello,I'm Receiving s.s.i n only got about 786 a rent each month was 725 until I received a letter saying my rent was being Raised to 825. After paying my rent of 725 it left me with about 60$ for the month. I also care for my 2yr n 7yr old Children.


Dec 4, 2020

I am in need Of assistance With my residency Rent I have 2 months over due was off of unemployment for a month and recently received a new case i am 2 months passed due with late fees.


Oct 9, 2021

I’m kinda asking for assistance to pay my rent because I not been working and with two children and no father.

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