Salvation Army Youngstown

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Salvation Army Youngstown

1501 Glenwood Ave
Youngstown, OH - 44511

  • (330) 746-8403

About Salvation Army Youngstown

Last-Modified: 2024-04-09 02:22:39

Rent Assistance

When you dont know where the money for your next rent payment is coming from, check with your local Worship and Service Center to see if funding is available for rent assistance. This type of funding ebbs and flows, but if we can help, we will.

Utility Assistance

During a long, cold winter, your heat bill swells and you receive a notice from your energy provider that all utilities will be disconnected unless you can pay the overdue balance. Or, maybe a job loss forced you to choose between paying rent or paying your electric bill. You chose rent and just received an electric shut off notice. We can help.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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3 Reviews of Salvation Army Youngstown


May 13, 2021

We are having some trouble with rent can you help us ?


Jun 8, 2021

Hi I was wondering if could help me with my down deposit and rent I'm pregnant 5 months about to be homeless.


Oct 1, 2021

I am reaching out in search of gaining help woth rent. I received an eviction notice. My rent is $550 a month and I am now 2 months behind as I was off on quarantine and got behind in my pays. Can you help?

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