Rural Office of Community Services, Inc.- Emergency Services - Tripp

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Rural Office of Community Services, Inc.- Emergency Services - Tripp

101 East 1st St
Tripp, SD - 57376

  • (605) 935-7101

About Rural Office of Community Services, Inc.- Emergency Services - Tripp

Last-Modified: 2024-03-11 02:37:44

Rural Office of Community Services- Tripp offers emergency services assistance to those in need that qualify. When funds are available this assistance can be used for disconnections on utility bills, utility deposit, help with a past due or first months rent and deposit, and emergency shelter situations.
This service is offered on a one time basis in a twelve month time period. Please contact them directly for more detailed program information such as availability of assistance, eligibility requirements or their application process.Programs availableemergency utility/rental assistancefirst months rent/rental depositsutility depositshomeless prevention/rapid rehousingpublic transportation assistanceemployment assistance
Gas vouchersfood pantryvita Free income tax preparation (january - april)School supply program (july - september)Garden program (march-july)

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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