St Vincent Depaul- Dayton

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St Vincent Depaul- Dayton

1133 Edwin C Moses Blvd
Dayton, OH - 45408

  • (937) 222-7349

About St Vincent Depaul- Dayton

Last-Modified: 2024-02-06 23:39:17

St Vincent Depaul- Dayton provide services to homeless and impoverished individuals and families in the Greater Dayton area.
The organization annually serves over 100,000 people in the region by providing
Emergency shelterTransitional and permanent housingFoodClothing and household items, and hope.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

2 Answers so far
Added Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Added Wednesday, January 15, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
Added Thursday, December 24, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

1 Answers so far
Added Thursday, December 24, 2020


How do I get housing or get on a wait list?

No one has answered this question yet.

14 Reviews of St Vincent Depaul- Dayton


Dec 27, 2018

Just wanted to know if I can get help paying my rent


Feb 25, 2020

I lost my job and I'm in a hardship and I'm need for help with my mortgage. Can you help me apply?


Mar 21, 2020

Can you please tell me how to apply for help with rent or utility bills ? Thank you!


May 18, 2020

Yes I am In the 45417 area Code and was trying to get help with my rent Darnell Calahan 73 Gramont ave


Aug 22, 2020

I was seeing if you could help me pay my rent im behind


Sep 1, 2020

Please pay this months Rent . I am a retired nurse Not married . I have a dog lilly


Sep 4, 2020

I need help paying this month rent can you help me? I have 5 children?


Sep 8, 2020

Is there any help with rent I’m sick heart problems and high blood pressure fell and broke left arm may need surgery seeing doctor next week I need to pay rent maybe this month and next when I’m back to work I will pay back


Sep 12, 2020

We Are Homeless asking Please f0r help with deposit and first months rent.


Jan 11, 2021

I need help with my rent. I owe in the amount of $576.00 and I just got an eviction notice. Can you please help me. I have been trying to keep contact and communication with my landlord but they’re losing patience with me.


Feb 22, 2021

I'm not sure if this organization can help me with my rent, but I'm hoping and praying that someone can possibly at least point us in the right direction for assistance. Myself and my significant other have applied and asked as many organizations for assistance as we could. I can provide any proof or documentions of the assistance we are in need of. We would greatly appreciate any help or anything so we don't become homeless at this point. Hopefully someone can lend a helping hand for at this time of need. I appreciate you time so much.


Mar 25, 2021

Do I have to live in Montgomery county for assistance ? This is the next county over from me. I travel to Montgomery county 6 days a week for clinic. I live in darke county, and I don’t see any programs under your page here for darke county.


Oct 14, 2021

Looking for assistance on getting help with my rent. I am behind, I only have one income and bills went up, I thank you for your help and assistance.


Apr 29, 2022

Do you help with rent monthly because I want to move to Huber heights and I’m unemployed right now and I’m going to need help with my rent until I find work.

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