The Lighthouse Ministries

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The Lighthouse Ministries

1416 W. Evans St.
Florence, SC - 29501

  • (843) 629-0830
  • (616) 892-4349

About The Lighthouse Ministries

Last-Modified: 2024-02-07 20:59:03

Assistance with rent or rental deposits is available for any Florence County resident who meets the qualifications listed below.

Qualifications for Assistance:
Participants landlord must complete a copy of the Rent Verification Form and W-9.
Participant must be a Florence County resident.
Participant can not have received financial assistance from Lighthouse Ministries in the past 12 months.

To schedule an appointment:
Please have your landlord complete the Rent Verification Form and W-9 before calling to schedule an appointment. You may print a copy of that form or come to Lighthouse Ministries for a physical copy.
Once the Rent Verification Form is completed, you may call Lighthouse Ministries (843-629-0830) on Mondays or Wednesdays at noon to schedule an appointment.

Mission Statement: Lighting the Way for our Neighbors in Need

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User questions & answers

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

No one has answered this question yet.


Do they help with bill paying ?

1 Answers so far
Yes the lights and rent
Added Thursday, July 28, 2022


May I receive assistance if in Darlington county?

No one has answered this question yet.

8 Reviews of The Lighthouse Ministries


Apr 4, 2020

Hi,I want to know how to get assistance with getting a place to get my kids home. I live here in hartsville, sc.ready to relocate..


Jul 9, 2020

I've been laid off because of the Cov,19 and I need help with my rent. This is for Two months now. $750.00 only is what I need please. Thank you for your help.


Aug 12, 2020

I'm in desperate need of a place


Dec 5, 2020

I need help paying rent and electric please.


Dec 21, 2020

Hi I was told this is the place to come to , to seek help with my deposit on a place. I am a single mom of 3 and living in a hotel. Please help is needed


May 9, 2021

Could u please help me with finding help in Dillion, SC, thanks.


Jun 24, 2021

Apply for assistant on my rent. Cant find the link for my land lord to fill put the information. What do i tap on?


Sep 2, 2021

I wondering can y'all help me pay my rent for this month, I have run short up on and I can't afford it.

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