Good Samaritan of Maury County

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Good Samaritan of Maury County

921 Beckett St.
Columbia, TN - 38401

  • (931) 388-3840

About Good Samaritan of Maury County

Last-Modified: 2024-02-24 07:58:23

Sometimes, members of the community find themselves in need of financial assistance. The Family Center administers the Good Samaritan Program which helps pay rent and utilities for families in need. Financial assistance is provided on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Also provides assistance with medication and eyeglasses to Maury county residents.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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6 Reviews of Good Samaritan of Maury County

Connie image

Nov 11, 2018

I am currently in need of rental assistance sap or I may face eviction. I am a disabled widow age 66. I have a 49 yr old daughter who also lives with me who is currently unemployed. We pay weekly utilities included. Please help us. We have no where to go


Feb 19, 2020

Yea I have a mental illness and been looking for work in Maury county and I can't get anyone to hire me because of my mental illness I been renting out a room for 50 a week plies my food and cleaning I can't pay it this week PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME OUT WITH RENT THIS WEEK THANK YOU


Jul 7, 2020

I desperately need help with rent n utilities.


Sep 4, 2020

I need help paying my utility bill is about ready to be shut off


Jan 31, 2021

Me and my mother need rent assistance this month, we were getting help from family friend and now they out of work and we can’t pay rent and both have a car payment. Anything would be greatly appreciated.


Feb 26, 2021

Hi my spouse and I are needing funds immediately for rent we are currently in school while only one of us is still able to work until we move to income restricted housing. We are behind and haven’t been able to pay Feb’s rent. Anything would be a blessing. Thankyou .

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