Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Tennessee

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Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Tennessee

318 Donelson Pike
Nashville, TN - 37214

  • (615) 391-5088

About Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Tennessee

Last-Modified: 2024-02-21 02:17:11

The American Legion Department of Tennessee offers assistance through their Temporary Financial Assistance Program. This program is available to those that qualify and are approved. The program is administered through the National Office however applicants are screened on a local or Post level. The applicants needs are investigated fully before approval is given.
Eligible applicants are minor children whose biological parent, or legal guardian, is a veteran and is, or would have been, eligible for American Legion membership. Legion membership is not required however. Applicants 18-20 years old will also be considered if a current disability requires special schooling or indefinite in-home care, or they are enrolled in an approved high school and are unmarried.
Legion membership eligibility requires the parent or guardian must have served at least one day of active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during one of the following periods:Dec. 7, 1941-Dec. 31, 1946June 25, 1950-Jan. 31, 1955Feb. 28, 1961-May 7, 1975August 24, 1982-July 31, 1984Dec. 20, 1989-Jan. 31, 1990Aug. 2, 1990-Cessation of hostilities as determined by the U.S. Government.
If you would like more information please contact them directly .

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

2 Answers so far
Added Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Added Friday, May 8, 2020


What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

1 Answers so far
ID lease
Added Friday, May 8, 2020


Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Is this just for Legion members only

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Can you help families that live in Wilson county

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6 Reviews of Temporary Financial Assistance - The American Legion Department of Tennessee


Jun 29, 2020

I feel behind in payments due to illness. I paid 800.00 toward the overdue balance and can pay 800 more tomorrow. I have a balance of 3 months


Sep 7, 2020

Is this only to help people that had been in services? Because I really need help I have no family to help me. I was able to get me another apartment but I do hair and we have been so slow I am struggling if I lose my home I will have nowhere else to go I am just trying to find somewhere where some places that will help I have never had to do this before so if you can help point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated I have to have the rest paid by the 10th if there's anything or know of anyone please let me know


Sep 9, 2020

Wife just died 9/7 my SSI does not cover my rent now I need help asap


Nov 2, 2020

Can you help me with my rent... Since this pandemic my income has drop a lot and now I owe 2 months in rent what should I do...


Apr 6, 2021

Need help paying rent on my room , I am between renting a room at in town suite and being homeless


Nov 16, 2021

Looking for rent help due to a 30 day notice.

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