United way services of geauga county

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United way services of geauga county

209 Center St.
Chardon, OH - 44024

  • (440) 285-2261

About United way services of geauga county

Last-Modified: 2024-04-24 02:54:42

Works with a variety of churches and charities to provide temporary emergency financial aid for residents of Geauga County.

Provides assistance with the following:


mobile home lot payments

mortgage payments

utility bill payments (will only help with phone bill payments if there is a medical or emergency reason)

fuel oil

gas money

home repair

furnace repair

stranded traveler assistance (transportation only to adjacent counties)

Does not help with car repair or diapers.

Provides vouchers for clothing that may be used at thrift stores.

Also provides financial assistance to access medical services, prescription medications (does not help with over the counter medications), and other urgent needs if deemed necessary and appropriate.

Funds are limited, subject to availability, and given at the discretion of the charitable organization.

Payments will generally not exceed $500, and the typical amount given is less than $350.

Money will not go directly to the client.

ALL services accessible or available.

This site has an accessible restroom.

Mission Statement: United Way Services of Geauga County will be the leader in improving the quality of life in our community.

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Do they offer emergency cash to pay rent?

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What documents are required to apply for cash payment help?

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Do you know if a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?

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Can I get help in Euclid ohio 44117

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Do you help families with disconnection notice of utilities?

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